We believe technology's only purpose is to help you achieve your goals

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Startup studio 25Fifteen often partnered with large corporates to realise projects that required a unique market position, technology, or distribution channel. Sometimes we found corporates that couldn't make that sort of partnership work though - the corporate structure didn't support it, it required approvals from too high up, foreign parents had to get involved, it was just too difficult to make happen.

Often these prospective partners would say, "Can't we just pay for it instead?" 25Fifteen always said no, because it didn't fit with the studio's purpose, but it was always frustrating to leave those projects behind.

Eventually, one of the studio's partners had the brilliant idea to spin out a company specifically to do these work-for-hire projects, and 25x was born.

Adapting the methodology that has helped the studio scale multiple in-house projects from ideation to $100M+ in corporate value, and the core belief that technology should always support commercial goals, it has spread its wings and grown into a standalone entity providing commercially-focused technology development to dozens of corporate partners.

Every member of our team is trained to make decisions in service to the commercial goals of the project, without getting lost in the technical details. This creates applications that people want to use - not just code that meets a spec.

Meet the leadership team

  • Luke Carruthers

    Luke Carruthers


    Luke has been building startups for 30 years, since he dropped out of university to create Magnadata, one of Australia's first Internet Service Providers. Five successful startups, with a combined exit value of almost $200m, have given him deep expertise in using product development to drive commercial value.
  • Kim Heras

    Kim Heras


    A seasoned entrepreneur and a pivotal figure in the Australian startup ecosystem, known for his significant contributions to the growth and success of numerous technology ventures, Kim is frequently found sharing his extensive network and insights on how to use technology to grow your business.
  • Sandra Davey

    Sandra Davey

    Ecosystem Partner

    A Product Manager by craft and love, Sandra has spent 25+ years in Internet-enabled product management, delivering more than 30 B2B, B2C, and B2B2C products, and more recently coaching teams on improving their product management practices. She serves on the Boards of auDA and Screenrights, and is a previous Director at CHOICE and Chair of the Australian Internet Governance Forum.
  • Sarah Kirkby

    Sarah Kirkby

    Capability Partner

    Sarah has been enabling organisations to make the most of technology for 15 years, specialising in helping them adapt to change and create positive workplaces where technology serves the people and the organisation, rather than itself. Government or SME, she believes every organisation is more effective when people and their tools work in harmony.

Let's organise a call to see how we can help you reach your goals